Plaque and tartar gradually build up on teeth over time, a process that persists even for individuals who rigorously brush and floss daily. This accumulation isn’t exclusive to any specific diet or oral health circumstance; it affects vegans, smokers, and those with consistently healthy gums. Hence, it emphasizes the importance of regular dental cleanings every six months, at least for optimal oral health! These routine visits are vital for preventing the excessive buildup of tartar and plaque.
In cases where gum disease is present, characterized by tartar accumulating in the pockets between teeth and gums and sometimes extending to the tooth roots, dentists may recommend a deep tooth cleaning, also known as dental scaling and root planing. Gum disease can result in tooth loss or severe infections if left untreated. Deep cleaning involves removing plaque from areas below the gum line to reduce the space between teeth and gums caused by gum disease. This procedure is distinct from a standard scale or scale and polish, as it targets plaque above the gumline.
Different from a Standard Cleaning
The primary distinctions between a deep teeth cleaning (dental scaling and root planing) and a standard teeth cleaning (routine scale or scale and polish) are evident in their aims, methodologies, and focal points.
Deep cleaning primarily targets gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. The process involves the removal of tartar, or hardened plaque, from beneath the gumline. It also includes smoothing of root surfaces to facilitate gum tissue healing and attachment. Conversely, standard cleaning aims to remove plaque and tartar buildup from the tooth surfaces, both above and slightly below the gumline, to preserve oral hygiene and thwart the development of gum disease and cavities.
Deep cleaning employs dental scaling to eliminate tartar deposits from tooth surfaces, encompassing the roots, utilizing specialized instruments. Root planing, another component, smooths out rough areas on the tooth roots, preventing bacterial re-adherence and fostering gum tissue reattachment. In contrast, standard cleaning typically involves ultrasonic or manual scaling instruments to remove plaque and tartar from tooth surfaces. Following scaling, teeth are polished to eradicate surface stains and impede plaque accumulation.
Deep cleaning addresses gum disease, particularly concerning tartar buildup within the periodontal pockets and extending to the tooth roots. On the other hand, standard cleaning primarily concentrates on plaque and tartar on the visible surfaces of teeth, including those above the gum line, to uphold overall oral hygiene.
Deep cleaning is usually recommended for individuals diagnosed with gum disease and may be conducted as necessary, contingent on the severity of the condition. Conversely, standard teeth cleanings are typically advised every six months as part of routine dental care for individuals with healthy gums. Nevertheless, the frequency may vary based on individual oral health requirements.
Total Cost
Typically, the price of a routine dental cleaning falls within the range of $200 to $500 for individuals without insurance coverage. Additionally, new patients must cover expenses for X-rays and a comprehensive exam. While there may be some flexibility, maintaining current X-rays and exams is essential for continued treatment at the dental office. In contrast, deep cleanings are more intensive, often lasting several hours and involving numbing agents. Without insurance, these procedures can cost up to $1,500. Fortunately, many insurance plans offer coverage for cleanings every six months, but it’s advisable to verify coverage with your provider.
Savannah Dental Solutions is a top name among dentists in the Savannah area, known for focusing on the dental needs of clients of all ages. Conveniently located in the Medical Arts Center, their range of services is unrivaled in Chatham County.